What is Smart Lock for deadbolt and how does it help my life?
There are many smart locks in the market with many different specifications. If you are reading this, probably you are not sure about which lock to purchase for your needs. Deadbolt is a different kind of locking mechanism which is generally not used at European doors so you have to be careful before purchasing a smart lock for your door.
Deadbolt is a lock bolt which does not need effect of spring as working principle. It is directly moved by the force applied by turning a knob or key. This gives deadbolt a secured structure for resisting any kind of forced entry attempts such as using knife or other similar materials on the lock from outside.
Why shoud i need a smart lock?
You might be asking yourself this question or you are not 100% sure if you have to purchase a smart lock or not. We will try to show you advantages of using a smart lock in your life.
- You can forget about your keys after you install a smart lock on your door. After you experience keyless life you will never want to return back to your old lock. Keys will only be needed if your smart lock’s battery finishes completely or if smart lock doesn’t work (very few possibility)
- You can unlock your door from your mobile phone, fingerprint reader or keypad. Generally smart locks are sold with one of these controllers so make sure to choose to most comfortable controller for youself. Some of the brands doesn’t offer fingerprint reader as an option.
- You can set auto locking in case you forget to lock your door. It is very easy to set auto locking period over the app. We suggest you to read our review about August Smart Lock Pro 3rd Gen to see more details.
- Your guests can enter to house without keys. Products on the market offers you to create virtual keys or guest access so that anyone can enter to your house between the dates and hours you defined over the app. Guests should just use the app of the installed smart lock to unlock the door.
- If you want to track your family members you can easily learn who/when unlocked/locked the door from the reports.
- Smart locks are fast and reliable products. You will never spend too much time in front of your door again.
- Smart lock is a completing product for home automation systems. If your whole house is under the control of home automation then why your door shouldn’t be part of this easiness ?

Are there any negavite sides of having a smart lock on the door?
Smart locks are becoming more common every passing day so this means they keep getting better. In today’s technology smart lock is not a product to be afraid of. Here are the some popular questions and answers for them:
Q:What happens if my battery drains?
A: Almost all of the smart locks having warning systems which prevents you forgetting to chage or charge the batteries.
Q: Okay they have a warning system but what happens if i forgot to charge or change batteries?
A: Your existing key still can be used. If you have the key near you, you can easily open the door with key. If you don’t have it near you, unfortunately you will have to call a locksmith.
Q: What happens if door gets auto locked while i am out of the house and my phone is inside the house?
A: This situation can happen any time. To prevent this you can just leave your door slightly open. If your smart lock has an option to set auto lock activation hours then you can have more luck since your lock will not auto lock except those hours. Also you can install a keypad or fingerprint reader of the installed smart lock on your door to minimize the risk.
Q: If i have an Alexa connected smart lock what would happen when someone shouts to lock or unlcok the door?
A: Depending on the location of your Echo device, Alexa can lock the door but can not unlock the door because she will ask for the passcode.
We can easily say that these questions are most popular questions covering general of the smart locks. Of course there are much more detailed questions specifically for each products but we will not share them on this post. We hope you will find answers to your questions at this post. If you have any more questions please share them in the comment section.